Concordia (mythology)

In Roman religion, Concord (Latin: Concordia, "harmony") was the goddess of agreement, understanding, and marital harmony. Her Greek version is Harmonia, and the Harmonians and some Discordians equate her with Aneris.[1] Her opposite is Discordia (or the Greek Eris).

The cult of Concordia Augusta ("Majestic Harmony") was of special importance to the imperial household. Dedicatory inscriptions to her, on behalf of emperors and members of the imperial family, were common.[2]

In art

In art, Concordia was depicted sitting, wearing a long cloak and holding onto a patera (sacrificial bowl), a cornucopia (symbol of prosperity), or a caduceus (symbol of peace). She was often shown in between two other figures, such as standing between two members of the Royal House shaking hands. She was associated with a pair of female deities, such as Pax and Salus--or Securitas and Fortuna. The latter pair of concepts (security and fortune) could also be represented by Hercules and Mercury.[3]


The oldest Temple of Concord, built in 367 BC by Marcus Furius Camillus, stood on the Roman Forum. Other temples and shrines in Rome dedicated to Concordia were largely geographically related to the main temple, and included (in date order):

In Pompeii, the high priestess Eumachia dedicated a building to Concordia Augusta.[8]


  1. ^ "Mythics of Harmonia". Retrieved 2007-12-20. 
  2. ^ H.L. Wilson (1912). "A New Collegium at Rome". American Journal of Archaeology (Archaeological Institute of America) 16 (1): 94–96. doi:10.2307/497104. JSTOR 497104. 
  3. ^ Claridge, Amanda. Rome: An Oxford Archaeological Guide. New York: Oxford University Press, 1998. (The section about the Temple of Concordia Augusta)
  4. ^ Liv. IX.46; Plin. NH XXXIII.19; Jord. I.2.339.
  5. ^ Liv. XXII.33.7; cf. XXVI.23.4.
  6. ^ Liv. XXIII.21.7; Hemerol. Praen. ad Non. Feb., Concordiae in Arce;1 CIL I2 p233, 309; p138Fast. Ant. ap. NS 1921, 86, Concordiae in Capitolio; Hermes 1875, 288; Jord. I.2.112.
  7. ^ Cass. Dio XLIV.4.
  8. ^ Pompeii Forum Project (1997), Inscription from the Eumachia Building & its analysis